MINDSEEKER × Rocky Mountain Featherbed
襤褸 - boro - Bandana Jacket
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ロッキーマウンテンの定番モデル『Christy Down Jacket』のボディに、希少性の高いUS 製ヴィンテージバンダナを融合したファーストモデルから一年。
The Ultimate Vintage With 100 Years of Processing
It has been one year since the first model, which is a fusion of the rare US vintage bandana with the body of the classic Rocky Mountain model “Christy Down Jacket” .
Drawing on the trend, this work has been updated with focusing on patchwork bandana. It has been worn, torn, and patched, and repeatedly remade through 100 years, recreating the texture called "BORO" that has been carefully inherited. In addition, to sew the “BORO”fabric, we make full use of the traditional "SASHIKO" technique.
The ultimate remake model that reproduces one century of age in one piece of jacket. Please enjoy the special vintage taste that has never been seen before.